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plasmoMAP The Functional Interactome of Plasmodium

What is plasmoMAP?

plasmoMAP is a network of functional interactions between proteins encoded by the genome of the human malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The network is reconstructed by integrating various computational and functional genomics data within a Bayesian framework, providing putative functional assignments for a large number of uncharacterized proteins, based on their associations with known proteins.

What is plasmoMAP useful for?

The authors intend plasmoMAP to serve as a knowledge-base of predicted protein-protein interactions within P. falciparum, and as a starting point for experiments aimed at gene characterization. While the current network is restricted to P. falciparum, we hope to extend it to other Plasmodium species as well. Details of included data and network reconstruction are described in Date & Stoeckert (Date and Stoeckert, Genome Research 2006; see below). Model refinements, addition of new tools and queries, and changes in input data will be accomodated and released as new versions of plasmoMAP.

How do I cite plasmoMAP?

Date, S.V. & Stoeckert, C.J., Jr. Computational modeling of the Plasmodium falciparum interactome reveals protein function on a genome-wide scale. Genome Res. 2006 Apr;16(4):542-9. Epub 2006 Mar 6.

Errata: Linkages above a likelihood score threshold of 14 have 5x more true positives than false positives, and not 10x, as reported in the text. This was an error in observation, and does not affect the results in any way. Text on page 5, ‘Analyzing a subset of higher confidence links’ section, should therefore be- ‘Linkages above this threshold include 5x more true positives than false positives, by the test of Figure 1’.